Palm OS Freeware Projects

Welcome to my Palm development page. Programming for the Palm OS platform is just a hobby for me and I started to write applications just for my own needs. However, meantime the programs have reached a state in which they may be useful for other Palm users as well, so I make them available for everybody.

For programming I use the GNU C compiler, the PRC-tool chain, Palm OS emulator POSE and the Palm reporter (for debugging) on a Windows system. Together with a programming supporting editor like TextPad this gives a quite comfortable and cheap development environment.
Before releasing a new program version I test it with all major Palm OS versions from 3.0 to 4.0 using the debug versions of the ROM images available from Palm.

Comments of any kind will be greatly appreciated and may be sent to

My applications are freeware and can be downloaded from Currently I'm working on two projects:




db2go is a database program especially inten­ded for managing hete­rogen­eous data and infor­mation.

Overview   User manual

Download from

ThumbSketch is an object oriented drawing program primarily intended for technical and CAD sketches.

Overview   User manual

Download the english version or the
german version from